
Inter-disciplinary service teams from the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) provide on-site services for pre-school children with mild disabilities and studying at participating kindergartens (KGs) and kindergarten-cum-child care centres (KG-cum-CCCs).


Inter-disciplinary service teams also render support services to teachers/child care workers and parents/carers.


Target Service User:

Children with mild disabilities aged below 6 attending the participating KGs or KG-cum-CCCs; Children on the waiting list of Social Welfare Department (SWD)’s central referral system are given priority. If there is vacancy, NGOs may exercise flexibility to provide services for children who are waiting for assessment by Child Assessment Centres, provided that the number of these children will not exceed 10% of the team’s service capacity.


TSP* Users – Users who are receiving “High Level Subsidy” will be required to change to receive “Normal Level Subsidy” if they opt for OPRS upon medical recommendations and means tests will be required. The maximum monthly family income will be 75% of the Median Monthly Domestic Household Income by household size. The TSP service will be cancelled should the families fail to pass the means tests.



Referrals can be made by social workers or staff of rehabilitation service units to the Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services of the SWD. The application is free of charge. The applicant should report to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) immediately in case anyone offers to assist in application for placement in return for remuneration. Attempted bribery by any person is also an offence in law, SWD will refer the case to ICAC for investigation.


TSP* Users – Users who are receiving “High Level Subsidy” will be required to change to receive “Normal Level Subsidy” if they opt for OPRS upon medical recommendations and means tests will be required. The maximum monthly family income will be 75% of the Median Monthly Domestic Household Income by household size. The TSP service will be cancelled should the families fail to pass the means tests.


*The full name of TSP is “Training Subsidy Programme for Children on the Waiting List of Subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Services”


Services Fees:

No additional charge apart from the fees for KG/KG-cum-CCC.